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Packt Publishing - Building an Unreal RTS Game: Adding Killer Features
Posted on May-13-2017 05:04 | by cod2war | 1 388 views

Packt Publishing – Building an Unreal RTS Game: Adding Killer Features
The Product teaches game play programming techniques by implementing additional features in an RTS-style game
Select non-playable characters (NPCs) through mouse input
Use basic Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Pathfinding to have selected NPCs move around a level
Modify Navigation Mesh (Nav Mesh) data to implement varied and interesting game play
In Detail
In this course, the audience will learn about gameplay programming in Unreal Engine 4, usingexamples from the well-known Real Time Strategy (RTS) genre. They will become familiar with how thestructure of the Unreal Engine is quite versatile, and can be used to create many kinds of games.· Beginning with implementing an RTS-style free roaming camera from scratch, the course will thenmove into selecting Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) through mouse input; using basic ArtificialIntelligence (AI) and Pathfinding to have selected NPCs move around a level; and finally, the course willcomplete with covering how to modify Navigation Mesh (Nav Mesh) Data to provide varied andinteresting gameplay.· Then in Volume 2, the audience will cover adding a second unit to the game, making a unit attack,creating Destructible environments, and finally, bring everything together with an RTS-style userinterface using Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG).· The topics covered in this course will not only form the basis for an RTS game, but let the audiencebe introduced to various concepts that underlie gameplay programming in Unreal Engine 4.
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