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Skillshare – Game Design Concept Art Intro Digital Environment Drawing Part 2 and 3
Posted on Mar-01-2020 22:05 | by cod2war | 591 views

Skillshare – Game Design Concept Art Intro Digital Environment Drawing Part 2 and 3
Design Rules & Sketch
In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of Вѕ cutaway concept art. This type of concept art is great for showcasing an interior environment space making it a great design learning opportunity.
The focus will be on generating ideas, creating a relatable entertaining design, and sketching methods to create your concept.
We will cover the following core skill sets:
Philosophies and mindset of a concept artist
Generating ideas for narrative design
Reference Studying
Photoshop Basics
Design principles
Design Sketching
Linear Perspective
Space layout design including floor plans
Some of these topics could be courses by themselves so we will look at methods concept artists use to “hack” things like perspective. The most important rules for creating entertaining sound designs will be covered but we will not go in depth over all of the design principles. As for PhotoShop, we will go over the basics needed for this course, with the end goal of a layout sketch in mind. Tools and tips will be covered throughout the course and future ones as needed.
Persp. Grids & Layout Sketch
Welcome, and thanks for choosing Game Design Concept Art Intro: Digital Environment Drawing!
In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of Вѕ cutaway concept art. This type of concept art is great for showcasing an interior environment space making it a great design learning opportunity.
The focus will be on generating ideas, creating a relatable entertaining design, and sketching methods to create your concept.
We will cover the following core skill sets:
Philosophies and mindset of a concept artist
Generating ideas for narrative design
Reference Studying
Photoshop Basics
Design principles
Design Sketching
Linear Perspective
Space layout design including floor plans
Some of these topics could be courses by themselves so we will look at methods concept artists use to “hack” things like perspective. The most important rules for creating entertaining sound designs will be covered but we will not go in depth over all of the design principles. As for PhotoShop, we will go over the basics needed for this course, with the end goal of a layout sketch in mind. Tools and tips will be covered throughout the course and future ones as needed.
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