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Courtess Boots G9F
Posted on Jan-29-2024 15:24 | by BBlK | 146 views

Courtess Boots G9F
Detail link: https://www.renderosity.com/marketplace/products/159990/courtess-boots-g9f
A girl needs boots for any occasion. Be it an inviation to the queen's court, a visit to a wild west saloon or a steampunk party.
Those boots fit just everywhere.
You get:
- Courtess Boots for G9F
- 5 Mats for the Courtess Boots G9F, iray optimized
- Feet options for G9F
Included Morphs:
Ally9, Freja9, Joan9, Victoria9
Emaciated, FitnessDetails, FitnessMass
Heavy, Lithe, MuscularDetails, MuscularMass
Older, PearFigure, Portly, Stocky, Voluptuous
Adjust AnkleInsideL, Adjust AnkleInsideR
Adjust AnkleOutsideL, Adjust AnkleOutsideR
Adjust BootHeelExpandL, Adjust BootHeelExpandR
Adjust BootHeelInsideL, Adjust BootHeelInsideR
Adjust BootHeelL, BootHeelR
Adjust BootHeelOutsideL, Adjust BootHeelOutsideR
Adjust BootHeelTopL, Adjust BootHeelTopR
Adjust CalfL, Adjust CalfR
Adjust CalfTopL, Adjust CalfTopR
Adjust HeelLengthL, Adjust HeelLengthR
Adjust InstepInsideL, Adjust InstepInsideR
Adjust InstepL, Adjust InstepR
Adjust InstepOutsideL, Adjust InstepOutsideR
Adjust InstepTopL, Adjust InstepTopR
Adjust PlateauHeightL, Adjust PlateauHeightR
Adjust ShinFrontL, Adjust ShinFrontR
Adjust ShinInsideL, Adjust ShinInsideR
Adjust ShinInsideTopL, Adjust ShinInsideTopR
Adjust ShinOutsideL, Adjust ShinOutsideR
Adjust ShinOutsideTopL, Adjust ShinOutsideTopR
Adjust ShinTopL, Adjust ShinTopR
Adjust ToesFrontL, Adjust ToesFrontR
Adjust ToesInsideL, Adjust ToesInsideR
Adjust ToesOutsideL, Adjust ToesOutsideR
Adjust ToesTopL, Adjust ToesTopR
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