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Unreal Engine - 3D-Scanned, Photo-Realistic Mauritius Asset Pack
Posted on Dec-30-2021 22:33 | by cod2war | 351 views

Unreal Engine - 3D-Scanned, Photo-Realistic Mauritius Asset Pack

Unreal Engine - 3D-Scanned, Photo-Realistic Mauritius Asset Pack
Unreal Engine - 3D-Scanned, Photo-Realistic Mauritius Asset Pack
Mauritus - home to some of the world's rarest tropical plants and animals, including Filao and Teak trees, but also more versatile flora such as Coconuts, Bananas, Dracaenas, etc.
Update - Update - Update - Update - Update
Added lots of additional content (textures, sugarcane, shaders) and polished existing content (all updates processes as of Feb. 12 2019 - adding 4.17 version support as well).
New video
Once again, STF-3d set out to 3D-scan both tree trunks and (volcanic) rocks and cliffs at the coasts of Mauritius to enable you to reproduce the nature of this fabulous island (and many other tropical islands) as correctly as possible.
In addition to the meshes, we give you a complete landscape Material, a small ocean water shader, our own wind shading method, and "Impostor-Baker" billboards.
This Asset Pack is going to see further improvements; we will add and edit content depending on feedback we get, and we hope that the four months of hard work that went into this pack do show.
Note: 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21 version updates pending and soon available.
Technical Details
3D Scanned and hand-modeled assets (trees, ground plants, boulders, grass)
Heightmap-Generated Landscape
Ocean water shader
Vertex-Painted Wind Shader
Lots of recognizable Mauritius-Based Tree and other Plant Life
On-Site 3D-Scans from the coast of Mauritius
Texture Size:
4096 x 4096 (4k) Resolution for Landscape and most of the Foliage Asset Diffuse Textures
2048 x 2048 - 4096 x 4096 for Boulder Assets
1024 x 1024 - 2048 x 2048 (clamped) for Billboard Textures
Other Textures between 256 x 1024 and 8192 x 8192 Resolution.
Collision: Auto-Generated (simple) for Boulders and other solid objects; no collision for foliage.
Vertex Count on LOD0:
Between 69 for smallest boulder up to 20259 for largest Teak Tree; on average, between 70 and 3800 for Boulders, between 2000 and 9000 for Coconuts, and 7000 and 20000 for very large Trees (Filao and Teak).
Yes, between 3 and 4 LODs depending on asset complexity; auto-generated, but hand-made where necessary (including 9-sided Billboards made with EPIC Impostor Baker Tool).
Number of Meshes: 61
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 78 and 8
Number of Textures: 194
Supported Development Platforms: All Windows and Mac Based
Supported Target Build Platforms: All Windows and Mac Based
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